View Health: A Political Choice – Act Now, Together online at #WHO
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “It has never been clearer that health is a political and economic choice. In the past 20 years, countries have invested heavily in preparing for terrorist attacks, but relatively little in preparing for the attack of a virus – which, as the COVID-19 pandemic has proven, can be far more deadly, disruptive and costly.”
Health: A Political Choice – Act Now, Together is an official publication of the Global Governance Project produced in collaboration with the World Health Organization. The Global Governance Project is a joint initiative between GT Media Group, a London-based publishing company, the Global Governance Program based at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto, and the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. @GloGovPro @DrTedros #WHO