The future we want
G7 Summit

The future we want

We are in a moment of unprecedented challenge and change. Canada is feeling the weight of mounting global crises – from climate change to global instability to the weakening of democracies and democratic institutions. These are shared, transnational challenges. To tackle them, we must work together – including with the G7. Like-minded partners working side by side to make the world better, fairer and more inclusive is critical to addressing these unprecedented challenges.

G7 partners share deep-rooted democratic values that inform our common defence of international rules and how we work together to shape a global environment that protects our citizens and creates prosperity.

This work starts with the clean energy transition – a once-in-a-generation opportunity that Canada along with our G7 partners are helping lead: taking bold climate action will cut emissions, keep the air clean and create well-paying jobs. That begins with investing in research, infrastructure, supply chains and opportunities for our workers. Canada’s wealth of critical minerals, cutting-edge innovation and world-class talent pool make our country an ideal destination for investment. As an example, Canada’s auto sector has long been an engine of economic growth, driving innovation and employment. As the demand for electric vehicles continues to grow, we will attract even more investment and position our auto, battery manufacturing and battery material production industries as global leaders across the entire electric vehicle supply chain. Investments in climate action and clean energy are investments in the economy. It puts Canada at the forefront of this opportunity, creates jobs and brings direct economic benefits to Canadians, now and into the future. We are committed to partnering with other G7 members and beyond to ensure shared prosperity in this endeavour while protecting the environment, ensuring strong labour standards and respecting the rights of Indigenous peoples.

Digital technologies, including artificial intelligence, have great potential to transform our lives, economy and planet. AI could supercharge our efforts to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, transforming global health and food systems. Canada’s AI ecosystem puts us in the driving seat of this technology. We are working with G7 and other partners to make sure this innovation is a joint effort: we need to close digital divides, connect communities, improve digital literacy, increase awareness about misinformation and disinformation, and invest in cyber resilient systems. Digital inclusion means a broad approach to the governance of digital technology, writing the rules of the road for AI together, so that it works for us and not against us.

As more than half of the countries in the world have elections this year, the proliferation of mis- and disinformation, sometimes by foreign states, is eroding trust in democratic institutions. It is becoming increasingly difficult for our citizens to decipher fact from fiction and trustworthy sources from deceptive ones, especially in digital spaces. At the same time, the international rules-based order has been under threat in recent years. Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine was a direct attack on sovereignty, territorial integrity and human rights. In the face of Russia’s attack, Ukraine fought back and Canada’s support for Ukraine remains steadfast. Ukraine is fighting for its culture and identity, and for democracy – and Canada will stand with it for as long as it takes.

These challenges will test us and our collective resilience. But together, we can transform these challenges into opportunities. We can promote our democratic values, deepen our collaboration and take action to tackle these challenges. All of this work must be anchored in making life better for Canadians and people around the world. At home, it means working to create more jobs, fewer barriers and fairer communities. It also means building more homes, improving health care, investing in technology and fighting climate change.

This is Canada’s vision going into the Apulia Summit: promoting inclusive, sustainable and dynamic growth around the world that makes our communities fairer, better and more prosperous. And Canada is looking forward to taking the broader G7 agenda forward during our presidency in 2025. Working side by side with our G7 partners, we can make a more sustainable and equitable future a reality.